Various questions have been arising since the demise of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Mumbai police is investigating the case. Many celebrities have been questioned so far. Sushant’s fans on social media are also anticipating his murder.
Many of Sushant’s fans raised questions about the update on his Wikipedia page. Fans had claimed that their Wikipedia page had been updated before Sushant’s suicide. People also shared some screenshots, in which the update time was visible around 9 am.
However, when further information was collected on Sushant Singh Rajput’s Wikipedia page case, it was found that there was no wrong in it. According to media reports, the Wikipedia page updates according to the UTC time zone. This time zone runs five and a half hours early Indian time. In this way, when Sushant Singh Rajput’s page was updated, it was two and a half in India. During this time, the news of Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide was revealed.
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It may be known that Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide by hanging himself on 14 June. However, no suicide note was found from his home. Many people have been questioned by the police since the death of Sushant. On Monday, the Bandra Police also questioned Nirmata-director Sanjay Leela Bhansali for three hours.