Modi gave no details of the package. The details will be given by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman from 13 May. If seen, the package that the Prime Minister has announced, divide it by 130 crores, then each man’s share comes to about 15 thousand rupees.
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Congress has described the package as insufficient. Tweeted by Madhya Pradesh Congress – Only 10 percent of GDP? Must be 50 percent. Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot has said that how effective this package will actually be, it can be said only when its details will be revealed.
The Prime Minister emphasized self-reliance in his speech, but it is not clear yet that the government will prove self-reliant in giving this package? The question is also whether this relief that is available today will not be heavy on the public tomorrow? By increasing the tax on petrol and diesel, the government has given this signal in a way by starting train service at a higher fare.
To know more news related to Coronavirus / COVID-19 and Lockdown, click on these links: Why is the tax on alcohol important for the states? Know, what is its economics and who earned from UP to Tamil Nadu. 500 crore daily income from liquor, Kejriwal government imposed 70 percent ‘special corona fee’. After the lockdown, the guidelines prepared for the journey in metro and buses, know what rules have to be followed. In India, the number of corona patients is beyond 40 thousand, if you want to avoid the virus, then tie these 5 things. Ayurveda recourse in battle with Corona, approval for trial of Ayurvedic medicine.