Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film Dil Bechara is set to release on Disney Hotstar on July 24. Recently its trailer was released, which received tremendous response. Now the film’s title song’s teaser has been released. Teasers are being liked a lot. Now the fans are eagerly waiting for its release.
This teaser has been shared on the official Instagram account of Disney Plus Hotstar. Sushant Singh Rajput has been seen doing some of the dance steps in this and finally appeared smiling. The teaser also stated that its full song will be released on July 10. The music of the song is composed by AR Rahman and it is choreographed by Farah Khan.
The film’s director Mukesh Chhabra said that Sushant complemented this song in one shot. He further added that this is the last song of the film, which was shot by Sushant Singh Rajput. For this, Farah Khan had one day rehearsal with Sushant Singh Rajput. The entire song is completed in one shot. Mukesh told that Farah has not charged any fees for the choreography of this song.
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Farah Khan said that this song is very close to my heart because it was the first time I choreographed Sushant. We were friends for quite some time, but never got a chance to work together. He said, “I wanted this song to be shot in a song Ek Tek because I knew that only Sushant could do it. I remember once Sushant came to the reality dance show as a celebrity guest, which I was judging. This was the first time any celebrity guest on the show had a good dance with a contestant.