Actress Poonam Pandey and her husband Sam Bombay have been arrested by the Goa Police. He is accused of making unauthorized entry to a dam in Goa and uploading a semi nude photo shoot. Poonam is accused of making a nude photoshoot and video on a dam in South Goa. After this, he has uploaded photos and videos on social media. When this video went viral, the locals strongly opposed it. People say that the holy place of Goa has been insulted.
The locals protested for two days over the matter. Following which, the Goa government on Thursday announced the suspension of one police inspector, two constables and two guards of the water resources department. He is allegedly accused of helping out for the photoshoot.
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South Goa SP Pankaj Kumar Singh said that initially a complaint was lodged against unknown people as there was no name nor any video clip was attached in the complaint. During the investigation, the video was seized and sections of the IT Act were imposed. Along with this, the unauthorized entry into the case and the Incident Representation of Woman Act were also added.
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He further said that Poonam Pandey was staying at a 5 star hotel in Calangute. He was sent a notice to attend Canacona Police Station on 6 November. During the investigation, it was revealed that Poonam has booked a ticket to return to Mumbai and she is going to leave from Goa today (Thursday). The SP further said that Poonam and her husband have been arrested after making inquiries. Investigation revealed that Poonam and her husband had unauthorized entry on the dam and shot objectionable videos on October 31.