It has never been easier for Shahid Kapoor to work with his father, veteran actor Pankaj Kapoor. Holding an interactive session on Twitter, Shahid revealed that he ‘still gets nervous about sharing the frame with him’. The father-son duo will be seen in the sports drama film ‘Jersey’. Earlier both have worked in ‘Mausam’ and ‘Magnificent’.
‘Jersey’ is a Hindi remake of the Telugu hit in the year 2019 of the same name. The story is about a talented, but unsuccessful cricketer named Arjun, who decides to play cricket for India at the thirtieth stage of his age to fulfill his son’s wish.
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Shahid also talked about ‘Jersey’ on a Twitter chat with his fans. He said, “Just trying my best to make a good film. But I am very happy with what I have done so far. I am really enjoying this journey and team of the film.”
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In addition to his projects, he also spoke about sharing in household chores during lockdown. A user asked him if he washes dishes, cooks and clothes. Shahid said, “My department is of utensils”.